Babies, babies, babies

Five of my work colleagues have had babies in the past year.  Of course once I had made one baby quilt I had to follow through with the others.  One of them was for a colleague from a Chinese background so I did some research to make sure that the quilt was culturally appropriate.  I discovered that white was not an acceptable colour in such a gift – in Chinese culture white can mean death. Red, on the other hand, is regarded as very auspicious.  I knew the baby was going to be a girl so some red and pinks seemed appropriate, plus I thought the flowers in the main fabric looked like peonies which are popular in China.

A happy quilt recipient

A happy quilt recipient

The recipient obviously liked it and even got her mum to buy her a coordinating outfit!

I went with some solids in reds and corals to match the centre panel in the back.

2014-01-12 10.41.36I did free motion wavy lines for the quilting to try for an organic feel to match the floral design.

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