WIP: Stars 8

iStars 8More stars were completed this week. There seems to be a green/purple and orange theme emerging. I initially just started looking for fabric that I could fussy cut, but I have slowly started to develop groups of colours. I think I will do another 20 or so stars before I decide on a layout. I would like to make a queen bed size quilt out of these, but not sure I will get there!

I’m off to my quilting group today to do some machine piecing on a small project.  I’ve been very slack on that front lately, I just seem to come home, have dinner and a glass of wine and curl up on the couch with “the boys”. I’ve also been working on week-ends so I do have some excuse!

I hope you have a creative week.

WIP Stars: 5

I’m very pleased to report that wonder cat Cosmo is feeling much better!  He curled up on my legs while I stitched another star.

Stars 5As some of you know blue is not a colour I’m fond of, but I wanted the stars to have a range of colours, so a couple of stars with a touch of blue have now been stitched. I’m thinking of creating circles of stars, each featuring a different colour.

I hope to find some more inspiration at the Modern Quilt Show tomorrow!

I’m off to my local farmers’ market for my weekly veggie shopping. Happy week-end everyone.

Modern Quilt Show

I’m off to see the Modern Quilt Show on Sunday which is being held at:

2 Bong Bong Street, Kiama, NSW  (Doesn’t Australia have some interesting street and place names?).

Ode to Orange October 2014

Ode to Orange
October 2014

The show is on Saturday and Sunday and should be a lot of fun. I hope to see some of you there.

I thought about entering my Ode to Orange quilt, but chickened out!  I’ve decided to have a look at the standard of entries and perhaps set myself a goal of entering a quilt next year if my skills seem up to an acceptable standard.

Very little stitching as been done in the past weeks. I have managed another two stars and hope to do another one tonight,  so I might be able to post another Stars WIP tomorrow.

Cosmo having a rest

Cosmo having a rest

I’ve been very busy at work and my beloved Cosmo has been unwell and needs lots of care and attention – we are off to the vet again this afternoon.  It makes me sad when the boys are unwell or unhappy 😦

Stars: WIP 4

It’s been a bit quiet on the Stars front  as I needed to finish the Oops a Daisy baby quilt and get some housework done!

I paid a quick visit to one of my fabric shops last week, selected a couple more fabrics and managed to fussy cut and paste the diamonds on Sunday night.  The weather here has been rainy and getting cooler, so last night I settled down on the couch with Pepe on my lap and Cosmo sitting on the back of the couch at my shoulder and did some stitching.  This is the result. Stars 4I have now done 23 stars and I think I will need about 50 for the design that is percolating in my head.   You can see some of the others here and here.

Stars: WIP3

I’ve been down  and out with a cold and terrible cough, so between sleeping and trying to work not much has been happening on the creative front.

2015-03-23 16.31.22


I have managed to stitch some more stars as I lay on the couch with the boys on my lap and at my feet.

They enjoyed me being still!

2015-03-23 16.31.38There does seem to be some sense of a colour scheme starting to appear, although I think it will be a while before I decide on the final version. It has largely been determined by the fabrics I have.

Stars 3

Stars 3.2I’ve done 14 stars now and I want this to be a at least 60″ by 70″ so I have also started to think about layout. I could just go with stars filled with hexies in alternating rows, but I kind of like the idea of adding diamonds of a solid colour around each star to highlight a background colour in the star. That would mean a different layout – not at all sure what. Suggestions anyone?